– Hello to all of the members of the Bull Terrier Club of New England, newcomers and stalwarts. As I’m sure you are all aware, we were forced to cancel the June shows due to the pandemic.
Our new board has been working hard behind the scenes to get everything organized for a productive 2021.
To bring you up-to-date on what is happening, many of you will have noticed that membership dues that were payable before 1 January were cashed only recently. We apologize for the delay but with the change of executive, we had to open a new bank account.
This turned out to be more complicated than first imagined, as banks were among the businesses trying to do everything remotely. Our new Treasury has now been sorted, and we have both an account with Greenfield Savings Bank, and a PayPal account.
A quick introduction to our executive;
I’m Victoria Corse, Corsaire Bull Terriers, the President. I got my first Bull Terrier in 1985, a Rescue foster, and have been breeding, showing, and judging since 1987. I currently live with Foster, who will be 13 on 1 November, and Polly, who will be two in December, as well as Leda, a Leonberger.
Our vice president is Amy Jaspers, of Notorious Bull Terriers and Miniatures. Amy has been in the breed since the early 90s.
Our Treasurer, Phil Brodeur, first joined the BTCNE in the 70s. His affix is Philgin, and he is a breeder and judge. Erin Marcotte is our Secretary. Erin was literally born into Bull Terriers, as the daughter of Kathy Brosnan of Hellion Bull Terriers, and has been surrounded by Bullies and Minis ever since
We were fortunate enough to be able to hold our first board meeting before the pandemic shut the country down, and to begin planning for our year. As with so many other clubs, our specialty weekend was eventually the victim of quarantine, and was cancelled, but we have a plan, and a renewed energy with which to move forward.
We’re refocusing on 2021 now, and will be able have most of our 2020 judges at our two Specialities and in conjunction with the Ladies Dog Club on Saturday and Sunday. Friday morning’s stand-alone Speciality judge is Deborah Guerrero, of Cambria Miniature Bull Terriers, Washington, and Friday evening, Gerard Cox of Coxgal Bull Terriers & Miniatures, Ireland. The Saturday Supported entry will be judged by Laura Cox. Ger and Laura are both multibreed approved, and have judged internationally. Sunday’s supported entry will be judged by Candy Aron of Deslynn Bull Terriers, Texas.
This is four opportunities for AKC championship and Grand Champion points, as well as BTCA ROM points, under a diverse slate of judges. We will also be bringing back the BTCNE’s favorite “all you can eat BBQ”, and basket raffle. The shows are scheduled for June 4-6, 2021 in Wrentham, MA. While these activities are located at, and held during, dog shows, we want all our members to understand that everyone is welcome, and it’s an opportunity for the club to reach out to the public and promote our breed. While unentered dogs are not allowed on the show grounds, we are still able to set up informational materials, talk to spectators, and present Our Dear Breed as the charming, funny, wonderful dogs they are. We can use everyone’s help preparing for, setting up, and cleaning up during this event. Please reach out to your Board members if you can help in any way.
This is a time of rebuilding and refocusing for our Club, as it’s proving to be for so many people and organizations. We’re happy and excited to bring you three days of friendship, competition, and prizes galore, and can’t wait to see you all at the dog shows, membership meetings, and BTCNE events, as we learn to gather safely going forward.
Victoria Corse, President